Friday, January 22, 2021

Aim- Define the following matrixes interpret the resuts-

 1. Find the eigen values and print the corresponding eigen vectors for

above matrix .

2. Are the eigen vector (c) normalized .

3. Show that for matrix ‘A’, sum of eigen value =trace of A and

product of eigen value=det of A .

4. Find and prove the nature of the above matrices or matrix (c) .

5. For matrix D show that eigen vectors are mutually orthogonal .

6. Show that for matrix D,inv(p)*D*p will give diagonal matrix with

diagonal element as eigen values .

Apparatus- Scilab software , Laptop .

Algorithm- 1. Input the all given matrix e.g.,A,B,C,D,E,F and

identity matrix .

2. Using the spec command for find the eigen values and

eigen vectors .

3. To normalized the eigen vectors of corresponding matrices

and display the values .

4. Using the sum and trace command for show sum of eigen

value is equal to trace of A.

5. Find the det of eigen value of A and det of A using the det

command .

6. Check the orthogonality of eigen vectors of matrix D.

7.Find the diagonal of the matrix D .

8. Tofind the nature of the matrices as determinant for

harmitian,orthogonal,symmetric and unitry etc.


A=[2 1 1;1 3 2;3 1 4]

B=[1 -%i 3+4*%i;%i 2 4;3-4*%i 4 3]

C=[2 -%i 2*%i;%i 4 3;-2*%i 3 5]

D=(1/3)*[1 2 2;2 1 -2;2 -2 1]

E=[-3 -7 -5;2 4 3;1 2 2]

F=1/sqrt(3)*[1 1+%i;1-%i -1]

I=[1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1]


disp(a,"eigen vector of A",b,"eigen values of A")


disp(c,"eigen vector of B",d,"eigen values of B")


disp(e,"eigen vector of C",f,"eigen values of C")


disp(g,"eigen vector of D",h,"eigen values of D")


disp(i,"eigen vector of E",j,"eigen values of E")


disp(k,"eigen vector of F",l,"eigen values of F")

for i=1:3

disp(norm(e(:,i)),"normalised of eigenvalue of C")


disp(trace(A),"trace of A")

disp(sum(b),"sum of eigen value of A")

disp(det(b),"det of eigen value of A")

disp(det(A),"det of A")

disp(g'*g,"eigen vector of D are mutually orthogonal")

disp(inv(g)*D*g,"digonal matrix of D")



,"dagger of matrix B")

disp(B,"matrix of B")

disp("if B dagger is equal to B so it harmitian")



,"dagger of matrix B")

disp(C,"matrix of B")

disp("if C dagger is equal to C so it harmitian")



,"dagger of matrix B")

disp(D,"matrix of B")

disp("if D dagger is equal to D and D is real so it symmetric")


disp("if transpose is equal to its inverse so D is also orthogonal





,"dagger of matrix F")

disp(F,"matrix of F")

disp("if F dagger is equal F so it harmitian")



disp("dagger is equal to its inverse so F is also unitary matrix")


eigen values of A

6.095824 0. 0.

0. 1.452088 + 0.4336988i 0.

0. 0. 1.452088 - 0.4336988i

eigen vector of A

0.3243216 0.3899937 - 0.1875413i 0.3899937 + 0.1875413i

0.5849985 0.5379993 + 0.2718959i 0.5379993 - 0.2718959i

0.7433655 -0.6703451 -0.6703451

eigen values of B

-4.746829 0. 0.

0. 2.3968018 0.

0. 0. 8.3500273

eigen vector of B

-0.3404771 - 0.5212558i -0.2734105 + 0.5541666i -0.3192331 - 0.3586139i

-0.4539695 + 0.0504648i -0.3645474 - 0.6890355i -0.4256442 - 0.0502727i

0.6353997 0.1023784 -0.7653665

eigen values of C

-0.3871996 0. 0.

0. 3.6916109 0.

0. 0. 7.6955887

eigen vector of C

0.6662617i -0.7255184i 0.1723904i

0.5184148 0.6168052 0.5922816

-0.5360424 -0.3052448 0.7870731

eigen values of D

-1. 0. 0.

0. 1. 0.

0. 0. 1.

eigen vector of D

-0.5773503 -0.7634414 0.2895237

0.5773503 -0.1309858 0.8059214

0.5773503 -0.6324555 -0.5163978

eigen values of E

1.0000075 + 0.000013i 0. 0.

0. 1.0000075 - 0.000013i 0.

0. 0. 0.9999849

eigen vector of E

-0.9045338 -0.9045338 -0.9045344

0.3015128 + 0.0000026i 0.3015128 - 0.0000026i 0.3015085

0.3015105 - 0.0000013i 0.3015105 + 0.0000013i 0.301513

eigen values of F

-1. 0.

0. 1.

eigen vector of F

0.3250576 + 0.3250576i 0.627963 + 0.627963i

-0.8880738 0.4597008

normalised of eigenvalue of C


normalised of eigenvalue of C


normalised of eigenvalue of C


trace of A


sum of eigen value of A


det of eigen value of A

14. + 4.441D-16i

det of A


eigen vector of D are mutually orthogonal

1. 0. 1.244D-16

0. 1. 0.

1.244D-16 0. 1.

digonal matrix of D

-1. 0. -1.244D-16

0. 1. 0.

1.330D-16 0. 1.

dagger of matrix B

1. -i 3. + 4.i

i 2. 4.

3. - 4.i 4. 3.

matrix of B

1. -i 3. + 4.i

i 2. 4.

3. - 4.i 4. 3.

if B dagger is equal to B so it harmitian

dagger of matrix C

2. -i 2.i

i 4. 3.

-2.i 3. 5.

matrix of C

2. -i 2.i

i 4. 3.

-2.i 3. 5.

if C dagger is equal to C so it harmitian

dagger of matrix D

0.3333333 0.6666667 0.6666667

0.6666667 0.3333333 -0.6666667

0.6666667 -0.6666667 0.3333333

matrix of D

0.3333333 0.6666667 0.6666667

0.6666667 0.3333333 -0.6666667

0.6666667 -0.6666667 0.3333333

if D dagger is equal to D and D is real so it symmetric

if transpose is equal to its inverse so D is also orthogonal matrix

1. 0. 0.

0. 1. 0.

0. 0. 1.

dagger of matrix F

0.5773503 0.5773503 + 0.5773503i

0.5773503 - 0.5773503i -0.5773503

matrix of F

0.5773503 0.5773503 + 0.5773503i

0.5773503 - 0.5773503i -0.5773503

if F dagger is equal F so it harmitian

1. 0.

0. 1.

dagger is equal to its inverse so F is also unitary matrix

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Aim- Define the following matrixes interpret the resuts-

 1. Find the eigen values and print the corresponding eigen vectors for above matrix . 2. Are the eigen vector (c) normalized . 3. Show that...